Oh my goodness guys I am so tired. I don’t care how many video game simulators you’ve played of video game conventions, nothing can really prepare you for fifteen hours of electronic gaming madness among the masses.
Highlights of Day 1:
- STARCRAFT II. TOTALLY PLAYABLE! (Srsly u guys, I played it 4 rlz. It was everything I dreamed it would be. Yeah, so I dream about Starcraft. So what.)
- One of the PAX 10 games is made by a local one-man team right here in Seattle. It’s a game about making sushi in the afterlife. For real. It’s called Sushi Bar Samurai. More on this game and its creator later.
- Holy crap the exhibition hall is huge.
- World’s most gigantic Rick Roll in terms of screen size by Jonathan Coulton during his concert.
I’d write more but what I need now is sleep. Actually the boss says I have to write a story about PAX before I head back tomorrow, so check the main site for that in the morning.
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