Light Up Your Christmas Spirit

Nothing says “I’m celebrating the true spirit of Christmas” quite like a $2 light-up necklace, am I right?

The best part about this totally classy fashion accessory is probably the awesome glamor shot model on the packaging.

Just check out that look in the model’s eyes. She’s saying “hey there, big boy—want to take a trip on the light-up necklace train?” What man wouldn’t go wild when he sees a foxy lady sporting a blinking, twinkling Christmas necklace like this?

Also, I can’t be certain about this, since I wasn’t bold enough to purchase one of these amazing items for myself, but it appears that the only parts that actually do any lighting up are the super-obvious red and green LEDs that take up roughly every fourth spot.

For those of you that simply must stay on top of all latest Christmas fashion trends, these wonderful… things can be found at Grocery Outlet. But you had better hurry, because there’s no way that a deal this amazing is going to last.

About the Author

Martha Kostyra
Naked Loon Living Editor

1 Comment on "Light Up Your Christmas Spirit"

  1. Rachel C | 2008-12-01 at 3:29 PM |

    Found my Christmas present – Thanks!!

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