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Stingy Geek Reluctant to Spend Four Dollars to Download Dr. Horrible

Kirkland resident Matthew Teton reported Thursday that he has not yet decided if it is worth four dollars on iTunes to download the hit internet supervillain musical Dr. Horrible.

Teton insists that his indecision has nothing to do with the entertainment quality of the production from Firefly producer Joss Whedon, describing it as “totally hilarious” and “a must-watch.”

“Neil Patrick Harris was perfect as the aspiring villain and bumbling romantic Dr. Horrible,” said Teton. “But is it worth four dollars to be able to have Dr. Horrible on my iPhone… I just don’t know.”

The ability to view the forty-three-minute musical for free online further confounds Teton’s ability to come to a decision. “It’s like, on the one hand I feel like I should support Joss’ efforts to produce such an awesome show,” Teton explained. “On the other hand, I could almost buy a footlong at Subway for four bucks.”

According to roommate Andrew Scarville, Teton has watched Dr. Horrible “at least fifty times” since it was originally posted online two weeks ago. “He also spent ten or twelve hours making this enormous Excel spreadsheet to weigh the pros and cons of buying it off iTunes,” observed Scarville. “You should have seen him when Futurama hit iTunes. Yikes.”

Added Scarville, “I think he may be over thinking it just a bit.”

Teton is confident that he will arrive at a decision on the purchase sometime in the next few weeks. “I just have to give it a little more thought is all,” he said.

On the web: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog [1]
